DP: Far from normal…what have you created?


Image not mine


It has come to the mind of all that see her that she is a strange girl,with years of knowing her, 6 things can be seen and that is that:

1) She has no real laugh, that is to say, her laugh changes from a quiet, mute laugh, to a high pitch laugh, then a witch laugh and it’s always different!


2} She does not chew gum and hates even the smell of it, how can that be in an age where everyone is always chewing and popping a gum?


3} Now to the topic of speaking, she is always making out strange words like “Jesus coco” to ‘Oh, google, fudges” Oh and let’s not forget “Oh, my google bottoms” which leads to “Front door it!” What are they all suppose to mean anyways?


4} No one ever sees her with the same color of pants, it goes from green all the way to red, purple and even aqua blue.

5} When nervous, instead of blushing or moving her hand, she just starts cracking up and laughing as if everything is the funniest thing in the world.

6} If her name is not unique, then what is? Perhaps her name is one of the factors to make her such a unique person.


The job of this writer is done for now, until next time!



One of the daily prompt was ‘Far from normal’ in which the writer needed to say 6 things that were unique,odd, or simply exciting about them, using the point of view of an outsider. I hope this was a good show of some of the things I do, especially with the “Oh, googles” thing, I always end up spitting out a word that leaves people saying “…What planet are you from? I’ve never heard that word” 

*_~In Eternity*_~


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